Friday 29 January 2016

Beauty & the Brand : The brief broken down

Portfolio 70%
  •  6 Final Images
  • Sketchblog (Blogger) minimum 30 posts
  • Brand evaluation 500-750 words
  •  Project evaluation 200-350 words
  • Submission date: 25th April
  • Feedback date: 16th May 
We have to choose a brand as a basis for all our research, designs and as if we are working for the brand to create your final images following the brief (List of brands available to choose from on MyCourse). When we have picked our brand we have to conduct really thorough research in order to be able to design our looks for our shoots, plan our shoots and create our 6 strong images to submit. Things to look into when conducting our brand research:
  • Products (Include hero products & best sellers)
  • Packaging
  • Presentation
  • Promotion
  • Price point
  • History & Heritage
  • Ethos
  • Brand identity
  • Type of models used/Beauty type/Style/Aesthetic
  • Who are the customers?
Alongside our brand research we have to look into the beauty side of things too for inspiration for our designs. I will be looking into SS16 beauty/make-up trends as well as at all the fashion weeks to see what other designers were doing with the hair and make-up worn on their runways. As well as the make-up and hair showcased at the fashion weeks I will be looking at the colours, shapes and textures as this is something I will consider incorporating into/when designing my make-up looks 
The six images:
2 advertising photographs:
- 1 day/natural look image & 1 night/evening look image
- Pictures of the product
- Brand logo
- Text/quotes

2 editorial photographs:
- Mini spread
- Can be full length/mid short images (If full/mid length have to think about styling)
- What kind of magazine would it be in?

2 catwalk photographs:
- Runway images?
- Backstage of catwalk images? Could be one runway and one back stage?
- If backstage it needs to be head and shoulder shots
- More creative looks than for the editorial and advertising which will be more classic

Tips for shoots:
- Find a photographer to take your images so you have the most professional and polished outcome
- Use more than one model, maybe three. One for each category (e.g. one model for the advert images, another for the editorial and another for the catwalk.)
- Think carefully about what models you pick, why did you choose them? Do they suit your brand?

  • The 6 images, sketch blog, brand evaluation & project evaluation must be uploaded as ONE PDF file
  • Make sure your sketchblog includes full and thorough research: visuals, experiments, ideas, inspiration, practises, technical file etc etc.
  • Look at grading criteria
Timed assessment 30%
  • 2 Hours long
  • Hair and make-up to be completed
  • The 2 hours includes set up, prep, creating the full look, photographing, tidying up.
  • NOT continuity, only a one time assessment. 
  • Must be ONE of your catwalk looks.
  • The assessment will take place in Lotties lessons
  • Front & side shot required, 2 images to submit
  • No editing allowed, these must be the raw images as we are being tested on our technical ability alone 
  • 1 moodboard for make-up, hair and styling
  • 1 moodboard for the mood/theme/vibe of the look
  • Face chart
  • Hair chart
  • Submission date: 18th March 
  • This is a separate submission to the portfolio (Blog & 6 Images) 
 Other information: 
  • Week 4-5 everyone will be doing presentations on their research so far, ideas etc.
  • Make sure to incorporate 3 very important aspects: The brand, YOU, SS16 trends.

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