Thursday 14 April 2016

Chosen image for advert 1 - Prior to retouching

This is my favourite image from the photoshoot and I have decided this is the one I am going to use to create my advert with. I have chosen this one as I think there is the perfect amount of skin showing, hair and negative space. I love the lighting and I think it goes perfectly with my models facial expression and pose - it has a very soft and warm feeling to it which I like as I wanted it to give of the vibe of a very relaxed woman (the customer) enjoying a day in the sun. I like the way the lights shining down on my model from one side as if to represent the sun in the late afternoon. I really like how the hair flows freely and has the beautiful beache waves I wanted but also blends out into black to merge into the background. I am really glad I used a black background as it helps create the mood I wanted to and concentrates the focus onto the model and the glow, and gives a chic and sophisticated grown up feel which I think suits the product and the collection it belongs to very well.
To show what I mean about the background complimenting the image, mood and aesthetic I wanted to create to advertise the product I tried out a white background briefly when shooting just to make sure I was going with the correct colour. As you can see the lighter background made nothing stand out in particular about the model and it didn't look very professional:

 Overall I am very happy with my chosen image and am looking forward to the post production process of retouching the image and photoshopping on the logos, text and product image to help bring the advert to life.

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